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ubuntu 1304(Ubuntu 1304 A Guide to the Features and Updates)

时间:2024-04-30 08:57:17 浏览:

Ubuntu 13.04: A Guide to the Features and Updates


Ubuntu 13.04, codenamed \"Raring Ringtail,\" was released on April 25, 2013. It was the 19th release of the Ubuntu operating system and brought several new features, improvements, and updates. This article aims to provide an overview of the key changes that users could expect in Ubuntu 13.04.

1. Unity Interface Enhancements:

Ubuntu 13.04 introduced several improvements to the Unity interface, which serves as the default desktop environment. One notable enhancement was the removal of the global menu, previously located at the top of the screen. With this update, menus were integrated into the application windows, resulting in a more streamlined and focused user experience.

Another significant improvement was the introduction of Smart Scopes. This feature enhanced the Unity Dash search functionality by integrating results from various online sources, such as Wikipedia, YouTube, and music stores. As a result, users could easily find relevant information and media content without leaving the Unity Dash.

2. Updated Software Stack:

Ubuntu 13.04 included several updates to the software stack, providing users with more up-to-date versions of popular applications and libraries. The default web browser, Mozilla Firefox, was updated to version 20, bringing improved performance, stability, and HTML5 support.

In addition, Ubuntu 13.04 replaced the previous version of the music player, Rhythmbox, with the more lightweight and feature-rich Banshee player. The updated Banshee player offered better music management capabilities, support for various audio formats, and integration with online music stores.

3. Kernel and Hardware Support:

Ubuntu 13.04 shipped with an upgraded Linux kernel, version 3.8, providing improved hardware support and better performance. This update included support for newer graphics cards, wireless adapters, and other hardware components, ensuring a smoother experience for Ubuntu users.

Furthermore, Ubuntu 13.04 introduced better support for touchscreens and gestures, aiming to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly interface for touch-enabled devices. This improvement was particularly beneficial for users of tablets, convertible laptops, and other touchscreen devices.


Ubuntu 13.04, with its updated Unity interface, software stack, and improved hardware support, offered a compelling experience for Ubuntu enthusiasts. The removal of the global menu, the introduction of Smart Scopes, and the upgraded Banshee music player were notable enhancements that enhanced usability and productivity.

Moreover, the updated Linux kernel and improved touchscreen support demonstrated Canonical's commitment to staying at the forefront of technology advancements. Overall, Ubuntu 13.04 was a significant release that further solidified Ubuntu's position as a versatile and user-friendly operating system.

标题:ubuntu 1304(Ubuntu 1304 A Guide to the Features and Updates)

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